Sunday, April 8, 2012

Birth of a Blog

Due to popular demand, and common sense, Paloma's pictorial will showcase the fun we have each Thursday! We aimed to take pictures commemorating each week of life celebrated each Thursday since July 7!
I have lots of catching up to do (9 months worth) but will try to post the dailies of our costume of the week. Any and all costume suggestions are welcome, as I'm running short of ideas now!
Hope you enjoy these as much as we do, and as much as she will when she is 16!  ;)


  1. Excellent idea! We may start one too!! :) Nancy

  2. Yes, excellent. Notable dates for this month include tax day, earth day, and take your child to work day. Do we get to see Paloma dressed as a tree wearing spectacles and doing people's taxes? Oh, and don't forget the Olympics are this year - shark suit??

  3. Great ideas. You do have a lot to catch up on though. Can't wait to see her Cinco de Mayo getup.
    Hope she is doing well. It was so fun to see her last month.
