Friday, May 4, 2012

44 weeks- The Roaring 10's (10 months)


 Hello there!

Don't mind if I do...

What?! No smoking here?!

Then I am out of here!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

42 weeks- Yo Ho Yo Ho A Pirate's Life for P

Shiver me timbers, where did I land?

Will I ever get off this island?!?! 

Wait a minute, look around.... 

I'm on my own private island!!

41 weeks- The Center of Our Universe

Our daughter is our sun.

The sun goddess is angry! 

She's off her axis!

40 weeks- Silly Rabbit

The Easter Bunny paid us a special visit this year...

39 weeks- Is it a Lincoln or a Cadillac? (of babies)

I'm running on the "More Toys" platform.

I really know how to work a room

I also have a serious side

Thank you and goodnight!

38 weeks- Lucky Charm


Follow the rainbow and at the end you will find the most precious treasure, 
and there might even be some gold there too...

Of course you should bite the gold to know if it's real

Make sure not to leave any in the pot...

Warning, after your discovery you might feel this happy!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

36 weeks- Paloma Fonda sweats it old skool


Let's get physical!

Start with floor work.

Just 30 more seconds.... boy, do I hate the plank!

Ah, now for a good stretch!

33 weeks- Playing Cupid

Valentine's Day was near and we got in the spirit by setting Cupid loose
to shoot love into the hearts of the needy!